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- Baby Loss Advisor/Doula Certification
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- BLFA/BLD Certificaton Packet
BLFA/BLD Certificaton Packet
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Normally, this packet is included in one price attached with a training. However, some local organizers only have you pay for training. The rest is ala carte. If you wish to get started on your preparation and haven't yet found a training you can attend or if your local organizer has you only pay for training, you will want to order this certification packet.
This is all the paperwork you need for pre-training, post-training, and the additional steps needed to achieve certification. A roadmap for certification, application, reading response paperwork, and other supportive written documents are all included. No refunds available for the Certification Packet.
You will need to acquire the books/eZines for required and recommended reading separately. They can be ordered from www.BabiesRemembered.org/shop. Receive 10% off if you are an LDI member.
Normally, this packet is included in one price attached with a training. However, some local organizers only have you pay for training. The rest is ala carte. If you wish to get started on your preparation and haven't yet found a training you can attend or if your local organizer has you only pay for training, you will want to order this certification packet.
This is all the paperwork you need for pre-training, post-training, and the additional steps needed to achieve certification. A roadmap for certification, application, reading response paperwork, and other supportive written documents are all included. No refunds available for the Certification Packet.
You will need to acquire the books/eZines for required and recommended reading separately. They can be ordered from www.BabiesRemembered.org/shop. Receive 10% off if you are an LDI member.